
Resources related to mining Gapcoin

GapMiner posts

Primorial offsets
Apr 19, 2021

Copied across from the Mersenne Forum

Potential CRT improvement
Apr 19, 2021

Copied across from the Mersenne Forum

Creating and using locally-compiled static libgmp and libmpfr libraries for linking with GapMiner
Apr 9, 2021

Technical HOW-TO compile and use optimised-to-CPU GMP and MPFR libraries

The algorithm
From the Gapcoin-PoWCore README

The average length of a prime gap with the starting prime p, is log(p), which means that the average prime gap size increases with larger primes. Instead of the pure length, Gapcoin uses the merit of a prime gap, which is the ratio of the gap’s size to the average gap size. Let p be the prime starting a prime gap, then m = gapsize/log(p) will be the merit of this prime gap.

Also a pseudo random number is calculated from p to provide finer difficulty adjustment. Let rand(p) be a pseudo-random function with 0 < rand(p) < 1. Then, for a prime gap starting at prime p with size s, the difficulty will be s/log(p) + 2/log(p) ∗ rand(p), where 2/log(p) is the average distance between a gap of size s and s + 2 (the next greater gap) in the proximity of p.

When it actually comes to mining, there are two additional fields added to the block header, named “shift” and “adder”. We will calculate the prime p as sha256(block header) ∗ 2^shift + adder. As an additional criterion, the adder must be smaller than 2^shift to avoid the PoW being reused.

See “Gapminer parameter list and description of approach” for further details of the mining approach.

Basic Gapcoin mining with default miner parameter settings

Pool mining with getwork

gapminer -o -p 4200 -u user.worker -x password -t [number_of_threads]

Pool mining with stratum (recommended)

gapminer -o -p 3385 -u user.worker -x password --stratum -t [number_of_threads]

Solo mining

gapminer -o -p 31397 -u <rpcuser> -x <rpcpassword> -t [number_of_threads]

Pool mining

Mining pools

Help document listing the current GapMiner mining pools, signup instructions and parameter settings.

GapMiner documentation

CPU GapMiner and GPU GapMiner Basics

Concise introduction to Gapminer and explanation of the --shift, --sieve-primes and --sieve-size settings common to both GapMiner and the in-wallet miner

CPU GapMiner technical basics

Reference document listing all the Gapminer parameters and giving a basic high-level description of the mathematical strategy adopted by the miner to finding prime gaps

GPU GapMiner technical basics (WiP)

Reference document listing all the GPU Gapminer parameters and giving a basic high-level description of the mathematical strategy adopted by the miner to finding prime gaps

Running GapMiner on a GPU (WiP)

Help document of distilled developer posts on running GapMiner on a GPU - parameter settings and basic advice on performance.

GapMiner performance test reports
Charts of performance on systematically varied settings.

Reference document, plots of relative performance results across a number of mining parameter test settings

CPU GapMiner and Chinese Remainder Theorem mining
Mining at higher shifts with Chinese Remainder Theoren

Basic HOW-TO for mining using the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Full description and examples of the settings for using GapMiner with CRT.

Creating crt files

Advanced HOW-TO with explanation and examples for creating custom “crt” files for optimising CRT mining.

GapMiner settings for creating the standard set of crt files

Settings used by j0nn9 for create the standard set of crt files.

GapMiner settings for creating Wizz’ extended range of crt files

Settings used by Wizz to create the extended set of 22m crt files.

Specific Chinese Remainder Theorem crt files contributed by pdazzl

Selected crt files published by pdazzl on bitcointalk

Technical reference document
Shift and prime digits

Technical document explaining the bits and bytes relationship between shift and the number of digits in the primes to be searched

Mapping of shift to prime digit length

Reference document with an exhaustive list of shifts and the corresponding number of digits in the primes to be searched

Shift settings, length of primes searched and blocks mined

Reference document, table showing frequency of shift use and blocks mined with histograms.