Configurable OpenTheme Features

Nov 27, 2014 • Manav Sehgal ~ 1 min to read • maintenance

OpenTheme is designed to be adequately configurable.

This means designing for fewest configuration options, that allow for maximum design freedom, without commpromising on ease of use.

List Limits

tags_limit - How many tags to display in tags list.

categories_limit - How many categories to display in categories list.

recent_posts_limit - How many posts to display in recent posts list.

Layout Configuration

pagebar - Enable or disable the page bar and page bar menu.

postbar - Enable of disable the post bar.

Site settings

title - Site title used in meta tags.

tagline - Site tagline used in page/post titles.

email, twitter_username, github_username - Used in footer, contact us, social links.

copyright - Used in copyright messages.

keywords - Default site keywords.

description - Default site description used in meta tags.

url - Your website url.

default_image - Used where image is not present.

permalink: pretty - Specifies SEO friendly permalinks.

lsi: true - Specifies lexical indexing by Jekyll/GitHub to create better related posts.


reading_time- Show estimated reading time for posts. true/false.

facebook - Use facebook plugins. true/false.

comments - Switch disqus / facebook / none for comments. facebook = true required for facebook comments.


disqus_name - Your site name at Disqus.

youtube_controls - Turn on=1/off=0 Youtube player features when embedding videos.

google_map_zoom - 1=Global zoom 18=Street Level.

google_map_view - hybrid / satellite / roadmap.

google_map_height - Default map height. Width adjusts to container.

API Keys


google_api_key - Required for Google Maps.

mapbox - Required for using Open Street Maps with Mapbox.

facebook_app - Required for Facebook plugins. Get your app at Facebook developers site.

mailchimp_u - MailChimp u=unique identification.

mailchimp_id - MailChimp id.

google_analytics_ua - Google Analytics ID.

Build settings

markdown: kramdown - Markdown library used.