PGS news - new frontend to Prime Gap Search List web site

I made a new website to verify records and automatically upload them to github.

Mar 5, 2020 • Seth Troisi < 1 min to read • news gapreport psg

New Frontend

(coped from the Mersenne Forum’s Prime Gap Search group as pertinent to Gapcoin)

2020-03-05, 07:17 Post to Mersenne Forum PSG: “New Frontend”

I made a new website to verify records and automatically upload them to github.


I deleted all gaps 10,000 to 11,000 so they can be used to test the service.

The first page performs some validity checks (merit > existing, prime < 10,000 digits)

After you upload you’ll see: 1 Queued

If you click the Watch Queue you can see it testing (if it’s a larger record) and the results of previous tests

After the record is verified it’s immediately uploaded to the prime-gap-list github (or in this case my fork of it)

It’s fairly fragile right now (e.g. if worker: dead on the status page it’s broken till I kick the machine again), but I’ll fix issues as they arise.

Chime in with what would be useful.